Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today Was A Bad Day Because:

1. I woke from my dream just before I was about to eat a white chocolate cream and pear eclair. Or maybe it was a white chocolate, cream, and pear eclair. I don't know because I never got to taste it and there was no punctuation in my dream. Can somebody please hurry up and invent this so that I can eat it because it looked AMAZING!

2. I remembered that I am not Marieke Hardy. She's bloody perfect: cute, sexy, funny, clever, writes for frankie magazine and sits around on TV talking about books.

3. I realised that I am completely out of the fashion loop because I do not have a Kim Jong-Il zip up tracksuit in my wardrobe.


Boston Who Drives A Dodge said...

You dream without punctuation?!? All my illusions about you are shattered!

Felix for Zosia said...

BWDAD, it breaks my heart to think you might be disappointed in my fabulousness; just think of my dreams as being like postmodern poetry and that way the lack of punctuation is something to be snobbishly proud of.