Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dear Angela Bishop

Dear Angela Bishop,

I don't know if you are aware of this or not, so I am writing to you to tell that you don't have a neck.

Regards, Felix for Zosia


Mars said...

missing: one neck

have you seen it/can i have it back please?

Anonymous said...

also your mum is bronwyn bishop, so you got stiffed in both the neck and mum departments.

Felix for Zosia said...

Poor, dear, sad, old Angela :(

Incessant Ramblings of a 20 Something Cindra... said...

Apparently Ms Bishop will be gracing us with her presence at a School of Rock concert on Sunday. Yes, I will be there and yes, some little kiddies may end up being subjected to an interview by no-neck Angela.
PS. I can't put together any furniture (especially Ikea). What does this say about me and my same-sex relationship?!

Mazz said...

Hahaha brilliant. Only a `true' friend would be that honest.

Felix for Zosia said...

Oh thanks Mazz, I'm glad you can see the love behind my message.

C-Lou, hmm, I guess it says that I don't know what I am talking about because I just make up shit that I think is funny. I am a fame-whore in my spare time... :)