Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fugs of The FugFug ManFug

I guess the title of this post is a tribute to two things. Firstly, and fairly obviously, I like the way Go Fug Yourself manage to make their post titles sound intriguing, even though they use one word over and over. And it becomes quite catchy, as you can see here. Secondly, the TV show I am currently distressed about (which is possibly less clear due to my flagrant overuse of one word) is "Girls of The Playboy Mansion".
In no particular order, the things that distress me the most about this program are:

1. Kendra's laugh
2. The infantile nature of the playmates' behaviour
3. Why someone who is so old he no longer walks, but rather shuffles, *wants* to be surrounded by three pairs of matching silicone balls.
4. They have a curfew. And it is 9pm.

So really, the combination of 2. and 4. is a huge problem for me. Do I need to go on a femmo rant, or are we in agreement that it is creepy?


Lady K said...

Do you think the curfew has become earlier as a result of Hugh's slow descent into old age?

Felix for Zosia said...

That is a possibility. I have heard that people need less sleep as they age, but given recent encounters with certain people in my life, I find it hard to keep track with which medical facts I heard from a credible source and which ones I didn't...

Jo said...

Calling GOTPM 'creepy' is like calling Pamela Anderson 'matrimonially challenged'.

Wait - even my analogy has too much silicone.

Felix for Zosia said...

Thank you Jo, good to know that the rant would have been a waste of time. But what a great idea, now that you mention it -Pammie on FugFug ManFug!

Nerd Girl said...

I'm in a love/hate relationshios with this show. I'm a little addicted because it's one of the few shows I can watch in English but, at the same time, I'm in an almost constant cringe which I break out of every few minutes so I can look carfefully at each girl and remember who they all are.
So far, I have not yet watched the end of the show because I give up partway through. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Felix for Zosia said...

Re: your final point - This is a good thing
Re: Telling the girls apart - Kendra has the laugh that sounds like a donkey braying, Hef is the one in the dressing gown, and I think the other two are twins/the same person because everything is identical: hair, boobs, personality...oh, one of them has a pet dog I think...